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Hot & Heavy: The Elaine Benes Podcast

Dec 22, 2023

Last episode of 2023! Elaine crushes on Jerry because he's flush with cash and she also helps with George's secret rendezvous with Marisa Tomei. While Elaine doesn't really get her own individual plot, despite this being an hour long episode, JLD does get to play with a wide range of comedy. Enjoy! 

Dec 15, 2023

Elaine injures her neck trying to get an antique bike down from a shelf since Jerry is too busy hitting on a woman to help. No surprise JLD pulls off neck pain acting so well in this episode, but overall, her plot is as weak as the appeal of the name Blanche when people first heard it. Plus I introduce a new segment...

Dec 8, 2023

This week I cover The Caddy (S7E12) where we meet Elaine's Lex Luthor, a candy bar heiress named Sue Ellen Mischke. Besides being wealthy and very tall, Sue Ellen has never worn a bra which irks Elaine to no end. A gifted bra from Elaine causes all sorts of problems for the main four. JLD and Brenda Strong are a delight...

Nov 17, 2023

NAMESAKE EPISODE! In The Rye, Elaine gets pissed at Jerry for describing her relationship with her spongeworthy saxophonist boyfriend as hot & heavy. While that descriptor doesn't bother him, using his mouth in a sensual way definitely does. This is such a fun plot for Elaine and writer Carol Leifer masterfully...

Nov 12, 2023

Elaine has a wardrobe malfunction which causes every man around her to misinterpret her intentions because... boobs. This episode has some minor plot holes, but it is silly enough to make me overlook them. JLD displays her talent for acting awkward, but I wish we got to see more of her and not just more of her chest....