Jan 31, 2025
Elaine drowns her sorrows at a work party by drunkenly making out with a colleague, which could really hurt her associate status! This plot starts out with great promise, but then takes an unfortunate and unfunny turn. JLD gets some fun moments, but the title of "Episode Scene-Stealer" belongs to the brilliant...
Jan 24, 2025
Puddy is religious and thinks Elaine is going to hell. The idea of going to hell doesn't bother her, but Puddy not caring isn't going to fly! This is one of the best storylines for Elaine and JLD gets to flex her comedic muscles in this classic episode!
Insta - @hotheavyelaine
TikTok - @elainebenespodcast
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Jan 18, 2025
Elaine dates a man whose race is under scrutiny - is he black, white... Irish? This episode tackles a racial issue in a hilarious way and JLD gets a wide range of comedic moments. This plot is another example of Seinfeld being way ahead of its time. Enjoy!
Jan 10, 2025
The mysterious nature of Elaine's new dude leads her to think he's a married man, but when it turns out he's poor (and married, subsequently) and treats her to garbage donuts, she's conflicted about ending the relationship over money. This is one of those mid episodes for me, but JLD does get some juicy comedic...