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Hot & Heavy: The Elaine Benes Podcast

Jul 30, 2021

SO MUCH ELAINE! YAY! While this episode is a continuity buster with how it ends, there is so much genius writing and performing throughout. JLD is a master with all she is given, including the tenderest moment of the series. 

Jul 22, 2021

Oh, Dr. Tongue... poor Elaine goes on a terrible date with a doctor. Larry Charles gives JLD some fun stuff to work with in this episode, although, it isn't very much. We finally see some shedding of the overly sensitive Elaine of the past and are treated to her flirty side, a side I never find tiring. 

Jul 9, 2021

The Revenge presents a bit of a backslide from the previous episode when it comes to the amount of juicy Elaine comedy, but with the little she is given... JLD absolutely crushes it. In a few minutes of screen time, we see Julia Louis-Dreyfus shape the Elaine character by countering what we would usually see in a...

Jul 2, 2021

THERE SHE IS!! Ahhh, finally we see the familiar Elaine emerge in an episode written by Larry Charles. With two guest stars who are incredibly interesting and funny, we learn more about Elaine's career aspirations as well as what she's willing to put up with from people. Elaine takes no shit, and I'm HERE FOR IT!