Mar 29, 2024
This is such a fun episode all around and especially for Elaine, who sees an out from her friendships with Jerry, George and Kramer. She thinks the Bizarro World is the better choice, however, she turns out to be too corrupt to fit in. JLD gets a lot of fun situations to play in this episode and the concept of Bizarro...
Mar 24, 2024
Elaine's wish to not have a baby attracts a new man, Kevin, who feels like procreating has been done to death! JLD displays some subtle brilliance with one word responses and slight physicalities. The Soul Mate is a great setup for the next episode, which contains one of the best Elaine plots. Solid episode overall.
Mar 15, 2024
When Peterman flees to Burma in search of a mental health break, he appoints Elaine as the head of the company. Elaine thinks she cannot do the job until Kramer motivates her using his experience in karate classes. The confidence backfires after Elaine makes the disastrous decision to put the urban sombrero on the cover...
Mar 1, 2024
George is finally free from Susan after some toxic glue takes her down... permananetly. Elaine's plot is non-existent due to the real George Steinbrenner's cameo performance. The deleted scenes between JLD and Steinbrenner are so bad that even if they were included, the storyline would have ranked as one of the worst...